
Tables are used to display data in a tabular format.

Customer Items Status
John Doe Apple iPhone 14 Pro
Jane Doe Apple iPhone 14 Pro
Matthew Stone Apple iPhone 14 Pro
Andrew Yellow Apple iPhone 14 Pro
Harry Blue Apple iPhone 14 Pro

/* table-example.blade.php */

<x-slot name="head">
<x-th content="Customer">
<x-th content="Items">
<x-th content="Status">
<x-slot name="body">
<x-td content="John Doe">
<x-td content="Apple iPhone 14 Pro">
<div class="flex justify-between items-center">
<x-badge color="green" size="xs">
<x-slot name="trigger">
<x-button size="xs" color="transparent" class="py-4">
<x-radix-dots-vertical class="w-4 h-4 text-zinc-500">
<x-dropdown-item content="View">
<x-dropdown-item content="Edit">
<x-dropdown-item content="Delete">

Component API


Prop Description Values
size Change the font size of the component Dependant on theme
head Set the content for the header Slot
body Set the content for the body Slot
foot Set the content for the footer Slot


Prop Description Values
as Change the element tag of the component any
color Change the color of the component Dependant on theme


Prop Description Values
as Change the element tag of the component any
content Set the content of the component any
color Change the color of the component Dependant on theme
align Change the alignment of the component Dependant on theme


Prop Description Values
as Change the element tag of the component any
content Set the content of the component any
color Change the color of the component Dependant on theme
align Change the alignment of the component Dependant on theme