
With a range of customization features stored in the configuration file, you can modify each component to look unique and fit your needs.

Publishing config

In order to customize the components, you must publish the config file. You can do this by running the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=LaravelUiKit\LaravelUiKitServiceProvider

Modifying config

All the classes used on the components are located in the configuration file. You can modify the classes for use with our pre-built components.

You can view the source code to understand how the components are built to help with customization.

File: config/ui-kit.php

Modifying blade views

After publishing, you will also have the ability to modify the blade views to fit your needs.

Note, any future updates made to the package will not be reflected in your custom views. You will need to manually update them.

Directory: resources/views/vendor/ui-kit

Community Themes

Community themes are available for Laravel UI Kit.

Visit Themes